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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Not quite a Calvinist

In Christianity there are many divisions, even within denominations. One of these is "Calvinism".
Thought they were written after the death of Calvin, they are understood by many as his teaching, and are called the Five Points of Calvinism.

Total Depravity (also known as Total Inability and Original Sin)
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement (also known as Particular Atonement)
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints (also known as Once Saved Always Saved)

In what ways, do I agree and disagree with these five points, know by their acronym of TULIP.

Total depravity: I agree with this, that we are beyond God's Gracw without His intervention to change us. In Genesis 6: 5 we find"And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that everey imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually".

Unconditional election: Noah was chosen, not because he earned God's Grace, but because God CHOSE him. As Genesis 6: 8 says " Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord". Grace is unmerited favor. Where I would disagree with the Calvinist viewpoint on this is that some teach that God chose before the foundation of the world, some unto grace, and some unto destruction; an arbitrary decision. This is to say that some never had a chance for God's Grace.

Limited Atonement: Calvinism teaches that the work and sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross was sufficient only for those whom God had chosen. To me this places limits on the value and efficacy of the Blood of Christ. I believe Christ's Blood was sufficient for all, but that not all will receive the efficacy of it, because they deny that He is the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God, Lord and Master of all of Creation, and One of three persons in the Trinity; One God, three persons, not attributes or modes, but three persons. We can not understand it, how this can be.

Irresistible Grace: As I understand, and indeed have read on Calvinist web sites, this means that one who is chosen by God, can not resist his Grace; that Salvation is his whether he chooses God or not, but that because of the irresistibility of God's Grace, that the person will obey God. This denies the ability of a person to resist God's beckoning and the witness of the Holy Spirit. This doesn't mean I believe in Free Will as viewed from a purely Calvinistic point of view. Man has no free will as such, but answers to God or Satan. When we resist God's will, we may think we are exercising free will, but in fact are doing the will and bidding of Satan, who led Adam and Eve to do his will in the Garden of Eden, serving the desires of the flesh, rather than following the will of God.

Perseverance of the Saints, also know as "once saved always saved": I believe that once we are saved, we can not lose our salvation. This can lead into all manner of arguments over whether a man who falls into a sinful life after professing Christ was ever saved in the first place. To this I say, only The Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, can judge this. If a man never shows any signs of repentance, that we see, it is tempting to conclude that he was not ever saved. However, only God sees the actions of a person twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, all the days of th persons life. We see bits and pieces.

The Apostle Paul told us in Romans : 38-39; For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. This is the security of the believer. It is God who keeps us in Jesus Christ, and not our works. Works will flow from the abundance of the Spirit of God in our hearts, as He guides us; and the only way to have he Spirit of God in our hearts is to believe and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

For my Jewish brethren; I can only say that God has promised salvation unto Israel, that in the Tanach, Ezekiel tells of the time when the nation of Israel will call upon Him for Salvation, and He will defeat the enemies of God and Israel, that He will teach the nations; but even God spoke through the Prophets if those of Israel who would/have been cast out for their unfaithfulness to Him. The Christian Church does not replace Israel, is not Israel, but is the universal church, invisible, consisting of the Saints. The Christian Church is not any "Christian Denomination". These represent people who may or may not have received salvation, and have divided over doctrinal issues. I believe that when Messiah comes, we will all recognize that He is God, and that he is One God. It's a confusing issue; so just trust God, and seek His Truth; do not despise your brethren who follow the Way of Christ.

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