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Saturday, June 20, 2009

What now Iran?

The Iranian people are locked in mortal combat with their high leaders. They are dying for freedom as they see it, and freedom from the oppressive tactics of a regime that relies on medieval ways of enforcing Islamic Law.

Women are stoned to death in Iran, some for the effrontery of having been raped. Men are stoned less often and have a better chance of survival than the women they are caught in adultery with.
This is so, because women are buried up to their chin in a pit before the stoning begins, men only to their waist.

Islamic law says that if they can escape, they will keep their lives, but women are most often dragged back into the pit for the execution of misjustice to be completed.

In Tehran, demonstrators are continuing to openly protest the last election, in spite of the fact that many of them are dying at the hands of the security police.

Click on the title of this post to see video of a young college age girl who has been shot by the police, but be warned, it is graphic in it's clear portrayal of her death.

It is so graphic, YouTube has put up a link that asks to confirm you age. If you are under the age of 18, please talk this over with your parents before you watch this. In fact, encourage them to watch this with you.

Then think about the freedoms we enjoy in The United States of America; think about the soldiers and families of the American Revolution; think about the soldiers and families that have served to protect those freedoms.

For these young and middle aged Iranians are soldiers, fighting a new revolutionary war.

I have to add this note left by a young Iranian girl, maybe even the one in the video.

Link Here: