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Friday, May 1, 2009

The Administration is acting illegaly.

Contrary to the Constitution of the United States, and against all law, President Obama is demanding that investors who hold prime stock set aside their first rights to payment in bankruptcy proceedings for Chrysler Corporation.

We're not talking about the wealthy here. Many of these investors are mutual funds, and teachers and municipal employees retirement funds. Large numbers of elderly retired people who are counting on those investments for a minimum retirement will be pushed aside if the Administration gets away with this.

This could be your mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, the elderly and frail woman next door. This will affect your children's future retirement options.

Protest, now, and often the roughshod way that your rights, the rigths of your friends and family, your children, are being pushed aside in a mad ruch to make all people equally poor, and equally in poor health.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rats desert a sinking ship

Sen. Arlen Specter has jumped ship and joined the Democrats, evidently seeing them as an island of saety in these politically turbulent times.

It's about time he showed his true colors anyway.

Olympia Snow, Susan Collins, and Jim Jeffords should follow suit.

The Republican Party so desperate right now that they are trying to co opt the TEA Party Movement, which is fed up with both parties.

Here is another link:

Earlier this month Specter had denied that he ws doing what he just did.

Do we need any more lying politicians of either party?

Throw the bums out, start in 2020.