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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Iranian Protests Again

The Iranian Green opposition is at it again and seems even more determined than ever to force change in the Regime of Ahmadinejhad and the Mullahs. They are willing to face death, and have attacked both the militia and the police this time.

Please pray for this courageous people who are determined to overthrow the current regime.

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei could flee to Russia should the situation in his country continue to spiral out of control, according to Radio Netherlands.

The media organization reports that the Supreme National Security Council ordered a check-up Sunday of the jet on standby to evacuate Khamenei and his family should the need arise."

Will the Iranian people throw off the shackles this time, or will the military move in great violence against their own people while the Grand Ayatollah is safely out of the country, leaving his hand puppet, Ahmadinejhad in charge?

Let us pray that they win their freedom.

Friday, November 27, 2009

The truth of the History of Native Americans and this Nation.

How many of you know the true history of the United States regardin the treatment or mistreatment actually of Native Americans throughout our history? This is not the history you learned in public schools or college.

Columbus didn't "discover" America, he stumbled upon Turtle Island as it was known before the Europeans came. He proceeded to enslave the Indigenous Natives of the islands first, the Caribs, followed by those on other islands, in hte pursuit of wealth to pay back his debt to King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. He allowed his men to rape and murder women as they wished, and to murder any native man on a whim, like to test the sharpness of their blades.

You can't cram all the history into five episodes, but the five episodes on PBS are well researched, historically accurate, and balanced.

One of the episodes, number 3, is the story of my people, the Cherokee, or Aniunwiyun as they were know to themselves. It is perhaps the best example of how a people who had done all they could to adapt white culture were cheated of their land, promised in perpetutiy by treaty, by the signing of the "New Echota Treaty", a treaty signed by men who had not the authority to represent the whole of the Cherokee Nation.

I pray that you will watch all five episodes, in order, to get a better appreciation of why we are still fighting for our rights.

I'll choose Freedom

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gagging the Opposition

The powers that be in Congress have gone through a government agency to start an investigation into HumanaCare for mailing out brochures to their insured customers explaining changes to their health care under Medicare Plus if the reforms being considered in both houses of Congress now are passed.

The transcript of Sen. Mitch McConell's comments on the actions taken at the request of Sen. Max Baucus are found at the link provided by clicking on the title for this particular blog.

It is generally accepted in law and precedents set that are followed in court that Corporations have a right to Free Speech under the First Amendment just as citizens do.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

To deny a corporation the right to communicate with it's customers is without precedent, but if this is not stopped, a precedent will have been set that leads down a primrose path.

Are you prepared to surrender your First Amendment rights to communicate to others your concerns and complaints to government actions, you right to petition for redress of grievances?

Complain, loudly and often to your Senators and Representatives about such infringements on you Constitutionally protected Rights. They are not Privileges to be doled out by Washington DC, they are our inalienable rights.

gadfly out

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yid with a Lid

YID With LID: Former CIA Bigshot Says Obama Declared War on The CIA

Washington Post Examines His Thesis. Finds an Honest Man Who Keeps His Word. - Erick’s blog - RedState

Democratic House Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health Calls Blue Dogs “Brain Dead” - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState

Democratic House Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health Calls Blue Dogs “Brain Dead” - Dan_Perrin’s blog - RedState

Democrats echo Truman and threaten to nationalize Internet - Neil_Stevens’s blog - RedState

Court orders Christian child into government education

Black Group Comes Out In Support of Glenn Beck, Obama is a Racist

YouTube - Milton Friedman - Greed

Okay, I have been falling behind again, so here are links with a vendetta in mind, against those who would enslave us in the name of "Freedom".

This Administration is obviously taking us down the primrose path, not at a walk, but at a dead run. Those who would surrender their liberties for security deserve neither. Ben Franklin I think, but check me at

In mitigation of my protracted absence. I have been ill again; some king of infection spread in my blood, musical chairs with medications, on Cipro for the nest three weeks, and tha is after a week of it already.
Doing better now, thank you for asking.

Folks, let me add to this that statin drugs for cholesterol are one of the ost dangerous, the most deadly drugs on the market. Don't take them, there are safer ways to lower cholesterol, beginning with diet.

God Bless America, we are going to need His help more than ever these days.

gad fly

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A few thoughts on HealthCare

President Obama and his henchmen and women are calling people who are opposing the Healthcare plan fishy, evil, troublemakers, unpatriotic, un-American, Fascists, and Nazis for expressing opposition to the bill, and asking serious questions at Town Hall meetings.

Town Hall meetings held by Democrats are increasingly being packed with union members who are told to arrive early. Members of the SEIU have perpetrated violence against one man, and threatened and harassed others, outside of the meetings.

These tactics have one thing in common, TYRANNY. The Bolsheviks used these tactics, Stalin used these tactics, Hitler used these tactics. Every election with few exceptions, on the African continent,
are plagued by the use of these tactics by tyrants. The Chinese still use these tactics, although they have shifted to a more capitalistic economy.

Are we entering and age of world wide tyranny in every country? Truth is, we have never left the world of tyranny behind, except for a few shining examples, like Great Britain, and the United States, and Canada, and Japan and Germany. But like the rest of the world, even these free and democratic nations are being chipped away at.

I believe in the eschatological interpretation of the book of Revelation which holds that before the return of Christ, the world will fall under the rule of a one world government, a tyranny which will become the most vicious there has ever been. The signs that we are fast approaching this world end are everywhere, yet none of us can say with certainty when Christ will come, or when the Anti-Christ will reveal himself.

So in the mean time, walk with the Lord, vote for people who exhibit Christ on the outside, and not just make a show of Christianity, continue to love one another, reach the lost, help the poor and the widows and orphans.

Stay occupied in the things that the Lord has asked of us, and we will not be found napping when He comes.

Monday, August 10, 2009


This is how our President and our Democrats in Congress are misrepresenting themselves to the public. Pay attention to the videos. They accuse everyday citizens of being mobs and unruly, simply because they have the nerve to ask questions.

Are these the kind of people we want to represent this nation? Not in my opinion. A Congress critter has to be able to take the hard questions, and should answer them honestly.

A President of the United States whould not speak out of both sides of his mouth in one speech, or ever at all.

My Native American ancestors had a phrase for that "he speaks with forked tongue" as in the tongue of a snake, which was not to be trusted.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Book of Judges

The Sunday School class I am part of at my church is getting ready to begin a study of the Book of Judges. This book is a history of the period of history of Israel from the time of the death of Joshua until the time of the first king of Israel.

The constant theme of Judges is the falling away from God and their covenant with Him, which covenant includes blessings for their obedience, but also the curses He promised would befall them if they strayed from the keeping of the Covenant. During this period of their history, God allowed them to be persecuted by the Canaanites and other tribes that they failed to destroy as commanded by God, which tribes God allowed then to remain until His chosen time to remove them. This was purposeful on God's part, because the Children of Israel would constantly be at war with these peoples who attacked them with frequency, raiding and taking their crops, the fruits of their labors. In this way, Israel would be forced to train for war in order to protect themselves, and eventually conquer most of the land promised them by God.

God also sent them at various times during this period, judges; men who would not only preach repentance and return to God, but also lead Israel in war against their various antagonists.

The book of Judges is an exciting book, at least to me, as it shows God's mercy over and over, to come to the aid of the nation of Israel, even though He knew that all had not fully repented, and that eventually, most would fall into pagan worship again.

This is a book of both judgment and mercy.

The commentator Matthew Henry has this to say aobut Chapter Three of the Book of Judges:

"Jdg 3:1-7
We are here told what remained of the old inhabitants of Canaan. 1. There were some of them that kept together in united bodies, unbroken (Jdg_3:3): The five lords of the Philistines, namely, Ashdod, Gaza, Askelon, Gath, and Ekron, 1Sa_6:17. Three of these cities had been in part reduced (Jdg_1:18), but it seems the Philistines (probably with the help of the other two, which strengthened their confederacy with each other thenceforward) recovered the possession of them. These gave the greatest disturbance to Israel of any of the natives, especially in the latter times of the judges, and they were never quite reduced until David's time. There was a particular nation called Canaanites, that kept their ground with the Sidonians, upon the coast of the great sea. And in the north the Hivites held much of Mount Lebanon, it being a remote corner, in which perhaps they were supported by some of the neighbouring states. But, besides these, 2. There were every where in all parts of the country some scatterings of the nations (Jdg_3:5), Hittites, Amorites, etc., which, by Israel's foolish connivance and indulgence, were so many, so easy, and so insolent, that the children of Israel are said to dwell among them, as if the right had still remained in the Canaanites, and the Israelites had been taken in by their permission and only as tenants at will.
Now concerning these remnants of the natives observe,
I. How wisely God permitted them to remain. It is mentioned in the close of the foregoing chapter as an act of God's justice, that he let them remain for Israel's correction. But here another construction is put upon it, and it appears to have been an act of God's wisdom, that he let them remain for Israel's real advantage, that those who had not known the wars of Canaan might learn war, Jdg_3:1, Jdg_3:2. It was the will of God that the people of Israel should be inured to war, 1. Because their country was exceedingly rich and fruitful, and abounded with dainties of all sorts, which, if they were not sometimes made to know hardship, would be in danger of sinking them into the utmost degree of luxury and effeminacy. They must sometimes wade in blood, and not always in milk and honey, lest even their men of war, by the long disuse of arms, should become as soft and as nice as the tender and delicate woman, that would not set so much as the sole of her foot to the ground for tenderness and delicacy, a temper as destructive to every thing that is good as it is to every thing that is great, and therefore to be carefully watched against by all God's Israel. 2. Because their country lay very much in the midst of enemies, by whom they must expect to be insulted; for God's heritage was a speckled bird; the birds round about were against her, Jer_12:9. It was therefore necessary they should be well disciplined, that they might defend their coasts when invaded, and might hereafter enlarge their coast as God had promised them. The art of war is best learnt by experience, which not only acquaints men with martial discipline, but (which is no less necessary) inspires them with a martial disposition. It was for the interest of Israel to breed soldiers, as it is the interest of an island to breed sea-men, and therefore God left Canaanites among them, that, by the less difficulties and hardships they met with in encountering them, they might be prepared for greater, and, by running with the footmen, might learn to contend with horses, Jer_12:5. Israel was a figure of the church militant, that must fight its way to a triumphant state. The soldiers of Christ must endure hardness, 2Ti_2:3. Corruption is therefore left remaining in the hearts even of good Christians, that they may learn war, may keep on the whole armour of God, and stand continually upon their guard. The learned bishop Patrick offers another sense of Jdg_3:2 : That they might know to teach them war, that is, they shall know what it is to be left to themselves. Their fathers fought by a divine power. God taught their hands to war and their fingers to fight; but now that they have forfeited his favour let them learn what it is to fight like other men.
II. How wickedly Israel mingled themselves with those that did remain. One thing God intended in leaving them among them was to prove Israel (Jdg_3:4), that those who were faithful to the God of Israel might have the honour of resisting the Canaanites' allurements to idolatry, and that those who were false and insincere might be discovered, and might fall under the shame of yielding to those allurements. Thus in the Christian churches there must needs be heresies, that those who are perfect may be made manifest, 1Co_11:19. Israel, upon trial, proved bad. 1. They joined in marriage with the Canaanites (Jdg_3:6), though they could not advance either their honour or their estate by marrying with them. They would mar their blood instead of mending it, and sink their estates instead of raising them, by such marriages. 2. Thus they were brought to join in worship with them; they served their gods (Jdg_3:6), Baalim and the groves (Jdg_3:7), that is, the images that were worshipped in groves of thick trees, which were a sort of natural temples. In such unequal matches there is more reason to fear that the bad will corrupt the good than to hope that the good will reform the bad, as there is in laying two pears together, the one rotten and the other sound. When they inclined to worship other gods they forgot the Lord their God. In complaisance to their new relations, they talked of nothing by Baalim and the groves, so that by degrees they lost the remembrance of the true God, and forgot there was such a Being, and what obligations they lay under to him. In nothing is the corrupt memory of man more treacherous than in this, that it is apt to forget God; because out of sight, he is out of mind; and here begins all the wickedness that is in the world: they have perverted their way, for they have forgotten the Lord their God."

To download the free Bible resources I use on my PC, click on the title of the post. It will take you to the web site, where the basic program is free, as are a great number of resources that are no longer protected by copy right laws and are herefore in the public domain.

There is absolutely no charge for the basic program or any of hte free resources. The only resources that require payment for download are study resources and Bibles that are currently protected by copyright laws.

It is my prayer that many will choose to take advantage of this resource, and that God will bless their use of it.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Executiive Change

Steve Hartnett of Grapevine Texas has started a group to work for change in corporate executive pay structures. Steve is a businessman himself, having been successful in his entrepreneurship for a couple of decades at least.

Just a taste of what you will find at Executive Change:

"Senate Leader Introduces Bill Limiting Deductible Compensation
Issue: Executive/Deferred Compensation

Date: May 11, 2009

Action Taken: On May 7, the Senate Democrats’ second-in-command, Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), introduced S.1007--the Excessive Pay Capped Deduction Act of 2009-- a bill that would impose a limit on the deductibility of compensation paid to any company employee. At the same time, he also introduced S.1006, a bill that would require a supermajority of publicly traded company shareholders to approve compensation payable to any company employees if that compensation package were to be in excess of the limit. The limit is 100 times the company’s average compensation."


This is not a partisan issue. I am a Conservative, but I believe that minority stock holders are getting a raw deal from the companies they hold stock in when these companies throw money hand over fist into executive compensation packages, especially when these companies are losing value and under performing, or the ones who have taken the Porkulus bailout and then paid millions in bonuses to executives who have not earned them.

This in turn is bad for the economy because the executives can ignore what is good for stockholders while making gross amounts of compensation in the form of inflated salaries, stock options, and other compensation such as enough retirement money to fund retirement for hundreds if not thousands of employees.

Click on the title to this post to go to Steve's blog, and if you agree with what is being proposed there, join the effort.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Iran, among other things

TEHRAN, Iran - In a sign of endurance for Iran's protest movement, demonstrators clashed with police Friday as one of the nation's most powerful clerics challenged the supreme leader during Muslim prayers, saying country was in crisis in the wake of a disputed election.

The turnout of tens of thousands of worshippers for former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani's sermon at Tehran University and the battles with police outside represented the biggest opposition show of strength in weeks. Protesters faced fierce government suppression and hundreds were arrested following the disputed June 12 presidential election.

Read the rest by clicking on the tile of this post.


And now to things of concern on the home front.

Why Obamacare can't work.

In his speech to the AMA in Chicago June 15, 2009, Obama shared his diagnosis, solutions, and justification for healthcare reform: health costs are spiraling out of control and are a threat to the economy, families, businesses, and the federal government. The current system is unsustainable. Costs are increasing faster than they should because we spend money on things that don't make us healthier. We equate expensive care with better care. We overuse and reimburse for treatments that are not needed and we pay for quantity instead of quality.

Click on the link in the title of this part of my post for the full treatment.

Consider this; Social Security is going to run out in 2023, or so they tell us. The truth is, it has already run out, there is no social security trust fund, the number of people retiring is increasing and our working population is decreasing.

Common sense should tell us that adding more debt to the Federal Budget for healthcare in teh face of a crisis in the whole Social Security Program is just plain insane, for lack of a better definition, at least one I can publish in common decency.

This probably helps explain the eagerness of both parties in DC to grant amnesty, yes, that its what it is, to illegal immigrants who are here in violation of the laws of our nation. They need someone to take the place of our declining work force.

Meanwhile, they are busy destroying our economy, and may not be able to provide jobs for those they grant amnesty in the very near future. Obama contradicts himself on how well the economy is doing; telling us one day it is looking good, and a day or two later that it is going to be a long haul to recovery.

Listen here to Obama vs Obama. This man is a walking contradiction and has change course in hte wording of his speaches over and over, whichever way the polls blow.

This is Gadfly, the annoying pest, out for the night.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Iran protesters take to the streets.

CAIRO — Thousands of Iranians poured into the streets of Tehran on Thursday, clapping, chanting, almost mocking the authorities as they once again turned out in large numbers in defiance of the government’s threat to crush their protests with violence.

Skip to next paragraph
Associated Press

In Tehran, police officers fired tear gas, and they and militia members reportedly beat protesters. More Photos »

As tear gas canisters cracked and hissed in the middle of crowds, and baton-wielding police officers chased protesters up and down sidewalks, young people, some bloodied, ran for cover, but there was an almost festive feeling on the streets of Tehran, witnesses reported in e-mail exchanges.

A young woman, her clothing covered in blood, ran up Kargar Street, paused for a moment and said, “I am not scared, because we are in this together.”

TEHRAN, Iran - Iran's supreme leader has imposed his will on the streets with security forces that crushed mass protests over the country's disputed election. But he faces an unprecedented level of behind-the-scenes political discontent among the Muslim clerics who form the theological bedrock of the Islamic Republic.

The bitterness could represent a deeper, long-term challenge to the rule of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The outright rejection by some clerics of election results that Khamenei ruled valid breaks a basic taboo against criticizing the man who in the philosophy of the Islamic Revolution literally represents God's rule on earth.

The Iranian people are fed up with the repressive regime, not with Islam, but wish to have a secular government. We can hop and pray that a secular Iran will be an Iran that will not execute those of other religions for proselytizing.

We also would like to see an end to the brutality towards women by the religious enforcers of Iran. How about an end to honor killings and hanging women for adultery who were raped, not adulterers. Homosexuals? I believe they have a right to live, work, have a place to live. I don't hate them, thought some will claim I do, because I believe that practicing homosexuality is a sin against God. The homosexuals who know me as a friend or acquaintance know that I love them, and pray for them.

We don't hang homosexuals in the United States. I don't deny that some people show them hate, like the Phelps group, the Ayatollahs of American Christianity. In Iran, they are hung, sometimes after being raped by men as a punishment. How sick is that.

God's love and peace.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Iran: The protest pick upsteam again.

Published: July 9, 2009

CAIRO — Thousands of Iranians poured into the streets of Tehran on Thursday, clapping, chanting, almost mocking the authorities as they once again turned out in large numbers in defiance of the government’s threat to crush their protests with violence.

Skip to next paragraph
Associated Press

In Tehran, police officers fired tear gas, and they and militia members reportedly beat protesters. More Photos »

As tear gas canisters cracked and hissed in the middle of crowds, and baton-wielding police officers chased protesters up and down sidewalks, young people, some bloodied, ran for cover, but there was an almost festive feeling on the streets of Tehran, witnesses reported in e-mail exchanges.


These people are courageously challenging a brutal regime for the right to have a true Deomocracy with real elections and not suppression of protests. A more moderate government, a secular government, is what they desire.

Pray for these brave people. Their victory will be a victory for religious tolerance in a nation that has become a brutal persecutor of any religion but Islam, a nation where the Zoroastrians and Christians and others have token rights in theory, but persecution is what they receive if they make a public display of thier religion, or proselytize.

Proselytizing, and leaving Islam are punishable by death.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

George W. Bush speaks in Woodward, Oklahoma

President George W. Bush received a thunderous welcome in Woodward, Oklahoma. He spoke at their 4th of July celebration.

Click the title of this post to go to the source of the video and read the blog.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

More on Iran, Truth about the tyrants

This report and video are on facebook, you will need a facebook account to see them.
I am looking everywhere on the web for up to date news, or a good source with up to date news. From other sources, the regime now admits 20 deaths of protesters, but the hospitals are reporting over one hundred.

Current Events in Iran
« Ayatollah Musavi-Ardebili on the Elections
Special: Report from an Eye Witness of Sunday’s Rally before the Qoba Mosque

Today, June 28, 2009, from six to eight in the evening, on the anniversary of the anniversary of the death of Dr. Mohammad Beheshti,1 hundreds of supporters of Engineer Mir Hosein Musavi rallied on Qoba Street at the Qoba Mosque, located on Martyr Dr. Ali Shariati Street in Tehran.

On 6:10, I entered Qoba Street. Qoba Street was full of a crowd which was heading for the Qoba Mosque. The security forces officers, who had been in the street in the neighborhood, did not did not permit the people to stop and led them towards the Qoba Mosque.

The Qoba Mosque was filled by the crowd and many of them were gathered in front of the mosque. Twenty minutes later, thousands of people could be seen in front of the mosque. They hailed His Holiness Mohammad (ص) and his pure family and raised the slogan, “God is great!”

There were many special officers in a state of alert at the end of Qoba Street, and many security forces officers could be seen in the crowd.

There was also a number of so-called reporters among them seen taking pictures and films of the ralliers. Some of them, faced with the people’s widespread protests, refrained from taking pictures. At 6:50, the slogan “Beheshti! Where are you?! Musavi is left by himself!” went up among from the rally.

Although it had been promised in advance that Engineer Mir Hosein Musavi would be present in this rally, people it was said in the crowd that he was prevented from coming by the security forces. After a while, the slogan, “We’re awaiting Musavi. We’re not going anywhere; we’re staying here,” then went up from the crowd.

About 7:30, Dr. Alireza Beheshti, the martyred Dr. Mohammad Beheshti’s son, spoke from among the people and thanked them for their presence, saying that he considered this broad presence “a sign of the people’s awareness of the issues of the day in our country.” He asked them to leave the rally peacefully, but since Engineer Mir Hosein Musavi was absent, no one spoke.

The crowd then began to to disperse, chanting the slogan, “Hail Beheshti! Hail Musavi!” and “Long live Karroubi! Be firm, Musavi!” At this point, the security forces officers led the people in the direction of Shariati Street.

The crowd peacefully, with their hands in the air, quietly or with prayers for the bliss of the souls of those departed in the fighting of the previous days, and for their families to remain calm, headed for Shariati Street. But before they reached Shariati Street, at 8:05, special forces suddenly attacked the crowd from Shariati Street and savagely set upon the people with blows.

The people were then forced to retreat to escape from the special forces. To calm the special forces, it was decided that the people would silently sit on the ground, and so they did. But the special forces attacked the people, despite the fact that they were sitting on the ground, and brutally beat them.

The people then retreated hastily and began to flee in the direction of Qoba Street and then began to flee in the other direction down that street, when, unfortunately, a number of old women and young girls were trampled. Most regretably, the security forces officers who were standing on the sidewalk, started laughing at the people who were fleeing to save themselves from a viscious beating atht ehands of the special forces.

In the mean time, Dr. Alireza Beheshti emerged into the street from within the mosque and the protesters went towards him and complained about the security forces’ savage attack on the people’s peaceful gathering. Because the security forces were keeping the people from stopping, I went down side streets and saw old women and girls who were crying out of intense fear and anxiety and the press of the crowd.

Emerging from the sidestreats, I entered Shariati Street and saw a great number of special forces who were in a state of alert. The shopkeepers were in the process of closing their shops on orders of the special forces. On Mir Damad Street and Mother’s Field I also saw a very large number of security forces and specisal forces officers who were busy preparing themselves to beat the people.

1 Dr. Ayatollah Mohammad Beheshti was the leader of the Islamic Republican Party, founded just after the revolution as the party of the Khomeiniist mainstream. From the revolution until his death in a terrorist bombing in 1981 he was considered called Khomeini’s Rasputin in the West. He was famous for whipping up crowds of religious zealots to attack the secular and religious left and liberals.

For all his railing against Westernized Iranians, he was personally a cultured man with a taste for the West’s contributions to the arts, which he perhaps developed while in Hamburg as the supervisor of the Shiite mosque there.

This entry was posted on Monday, June 29th, 2009 at 7:27 pm and is filed under Demonstration. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
One Response to “Special: Report from an Eye Witness of Sunday’s Rally before the Qoba Mosque”

Spear Bearer says:
June 29, 2009 at 8:49 pm

I stand in support of the Iranian people who were robbed of their vote, beaten, shot, murdered.

Neda! Neda! Neda!

Monday, June 29, 2009


There has been no news coming out of Iran that I can find, since my last post. There is one very surreal video showing the clear evidence of marshal law in Tehran.

This is a very eery and disturbing image of what is happening in Iran now.

Please pray for the Iranian people.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Protests continue, so does the violence.

He says: they were riot police, they had an arabic accent. the door was locked, they broke it and entered. This is residential building. The cars belong to the people in the area. They came roof to see maybe they can see some people. They enter buildings destroy things and leave. Yesterday, there was a car with kids and woman inside and they ran out of the car as it was being destroyed (by riot police).


The protests are not over by a long shot.

In the second video, the people catch one of the Basiji militia who have played such a large part in the violence against the protesters.

In this last video, a man is attacked with an ax by plainclothes police. It is blurry and distorted because it is shot from up close.

It seems the Iranians have had enough and will not stop until they are dead or have won.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

17 teen year old Iranian student beaten severly, and others.

This piece is a report of the account of a 17 year old Iranian student who was arrested, with other, who were not in the protest, and beaten and tortured. The photographs in the article are disturbing in the clearness of the violence and brutality that they portray.

Click the title of this post to read the full article and see the photographs.

June 24, 2009 | The pictures you are about to see are not from someone who supports anarchy, he is not even a part of the "DUST" that Ahmadinejad called his opponents. He is just a 17-year-old boy who was supposed to take the university entrance exam within a month before his fingers were broken and the finger webs were cut with a blade. He was arrested violently in the parking lot of a living complex without even taking part in any of the recent activities, and after more than 24 hours he returned home while his face was fully covered with blood and one could only see his eyes. These pictures are taken hours after his return home, his bruised face and broken nose cannot be shown due to his and his parents fear from the security guards. This is a summary of his story:

"It was around 12:30 a.m., and I was with my friend, his brother and his brother's wife. We were talking right in front of his place, which is about 2 to 3 blocks away from my place, while a group of people escaping entered the alley and took refuge in houses with open doors. My friends' place is in the middle of the alley so nobody took refuge there, and we went in and closed the doors. His brother and his wife went in building and asked me to join them as well, but since I was not feeling comfortable with his family, my friend and I stayed out in the parking."

"All of a sudden agents in black uniforms and helmets carrying batons broke the door and entered. We tried to hide behind the big trash bin at the end of the parking but one of them saw us, whistled and informed the rest of them who were just leaving the parking. It was just baton strikes all over my body after that, and we were transferred to the minus 4 level of Ministry of Intelligence building. There were a lot of riot police in black uniforms like those on the streets there. They were mostly non-Farsi speakers, and those who spoke Farsi kept telling us they could kill us right away and no one would ever know, they were also insulting us with very bad words."

Iranian women at heart of protests

From MSNBC. Click the title of this post to read the whole article.

For years, women's defiance in Iran came in carefully planned flashes of hair under their head scarves, brightly painted fingernails and trendy clothing that could be glimpsed under bulky coats and cloaks.

But these small acts of rebellion against the theocratic government have been quickly eclipsed in the wake of the disputed June 12 presidential elections. In their place came images of Iranian women marching alongside men, of their scuffles with burly militiamen, of the sobering footage of a young woman named Neda, blood pouring from her mouth and nose minutes after her fatal shooting.

In a part of the Muslim world where women are often repressed, these images have catapulted Iran's female demonstrators to the forefront of the country's opposition movement. It is a role, say Iranian women and experts, that few seem willing to give up, and one that will likely present President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hardline government with even greater challenges in the wake of the recent violence and protests.


These Iranian women of several generations are tired of brutal oppression. Lift up you voices in prayer for them. They want our encouragement, but they don't want our involvement.

That was the request they made on a web site the Iranian government has since shut down.

Demosntrators out again, more violence by the regime.

There is a lot gong on in Iran, the seeming quiet was a brief respite apparently, and the Basiji militia have become even more brutal it seems as one Irani woman testifies of having seen them attacking people with axes.

It is not just young women and men anymore; the older women have joined in, not just in protesting, but throwing rocks at the state police and the hard line militia.

It is my sincere prayer to Almighty God that He grant these people their freedom from this repressive regime. It stirs me to tears to hear the cries of agony of those being shot, beaten, tortured and mutilated by these vicious oppressors of their own people.

Neda! Neda! Neda!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tone of demonstration changes

TEHRAN, Iran - Overwhelmed by police and left with limited alternatives, Iranian demonstrators resorted Tuesday to more subtle ways of challenging the outcome of the presidential election: holding up posters, shouting from rooftops and turning on car headlights.

But the restrained expressions of discontent appeared to be scattered as Iran's ruling clerics dealt the opposition new setbacks, making clear they have no intention of holding a new vote and setting up a special court to deal with hundreds of protesters arrested in more than a week of unrest.


Click on the title of this post to read the rest of the article and view more videos.

The Aftermath

The two videos, one at the head, one at the bottom of this post show a disheartening turn of events. The Iranian government has employed such violence against the demonstrator that they have caused great fear among them.

From the reports though, it is also clear, that although they no longer feel safe in going to the streets, they are continuing to protest in any small way they can.

They have even banned the people from their traditional mourning practices for the dead, and even forbidden them to cry "Allahu akbar", Allah is Great, a confirmation of their Islamic faith.

Let us keep up the cry of Neda! Neda! Neda!

Let us find ways to let the Iranian people know that we are supportive of them, and respect their wish to do this alone, without military intervention from the world. I have to admire and respect this out gunned, and cruelly treated people who for days faced the police and the militia, many dying, many more being severely beaten.

The echoes of our own American Revolution now resound in Iran, and among a people not well armed at all.

When tyranny triumphs, we are all lessened by it. May God give us the courage and the fortitude to stand in the face of tyranny when it comes to our shores.

Iranian Courts vow to make demonstrators pay.

From Reuters news service. This is copyrighted material and will appear here for one month only. To e-mail this story for free to no more than five people, click on the title of this post, on the Reuters page click the copies link, and follow the instructions. There are also pay options which give you longer use of this copyrighted material.

We must keep up the encouragement of the Iranian people, let them know we support their efforts for a free and democratic republic in Iran.

News from Iran here.

An Iranian Blog here.

Iran says courts will teach protesters a lesson

Monday, June 22, 2009

Neda! Neda! Neda!

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

Neda has become a rallying cry in Iran. As it turns out in a turn of bitter irony, Neda is the younger sister of the writer of the note that I posted in my last post. Neda didn't support any of the candidates; she just wanted freedom, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness.

One of the links I posted now show a 404 page error, but the main web site is still up.

If you are one of those who feel we should not interfere in any way, do you consider praying for these people to be interference?

If you are an atheist, and I suppose there might not be any reading this, can't you at least express support, even a pagan word of good luck?

There are now more, many more who have died for the cause of freedom in Iran. Do we begrudge them that because they are Muslims? The truth is, there are Christians in Iran, also; they want freedom and liberty too.

Please, write letter to your editors, write call or e-,ail your Congressional representatives. Let us make our voices one with the Iranian people as we cry out:

Neda! Neda! Neda!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

What now Iran?

The Iranian people are locked in mortal combat with their high leaders. They are dying for freedom as they see it, and freedom from the oppressive tactics of a regime that relies on medieval ways of enforcing Islamic Law.

Women are stoned to death in Iran, some for the effrontery of having been raped. Men are stoned less often and have a better chance of survival than the women they are caught in adultery with.
This is so, because women are buried up to their chin in a pit before the stoning begins, men only to their waist.

Islamic law says that if they can escape, they will keep their lives, but women are most often dragged back into the pit for the execution of misjustice to be completed.

In Tehran, demonstrators are continuing to openly protest the last election, in spite of the fact that many of them are dying at the hands of the security police.

Click on the title of this post to see video of a young college age girl who has been shot by the police, but be warned, it is graphic in it's clear portrayal of her death.

It is so graphic, YouTube has put up a link that asks to confirm you age. If you are under the age of 18, please talk this over with your parents before you watch this. In fact, encourage them to watch this with you.

Then think about the freedoms we enjoy in The United States of America; think about the soldiers and families of the American Revolution; think about the soldiers and families that have served to protect those freedoms.

For these young and middle aged Iranians are soldiers, fighting a new revolutionary war.

I have to add this note left by a young Iranian girl, maybe even the one in the video.

Link Here:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

None so blind

Ray Stevens, a singer, is generally given credit for the phrase "There is none so blind as he who will not see". The preacher Matthew Henry used the phrase 250 years ago in his commentary on Psalm 82.

Psalm 82: " God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods.

How long will you judge unjustly, and show partiality to the wicked? Defend the poor and the fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

They do not know, nor do they understand; they walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are unstable. This referring to those who are supposed to bring justice.

I said, "You are gods, and all of you are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes".

Arise, O God, judge hte earth; for You shall inherit all nations.

In this scripture, where God says " You are gods", he does not mean gods in the sense of higher beings, but as a term used of judges, who are supposed to represent the Almighty God.

In this day and time, it seems that a nation that had Christian beginnings, founded on Christian principles, has forgotten that those in positions of power are to seek justice for the poor and fatherless. Don't look to Barak Obama to be your savior either.

The Prophet of God, Jeremiah recorded this in chapter 14 of the Book of Jeremiah regarding the judgment that had already fallen on Judah:

(Jer 14:1) The word of the LORD that came to Jeremiah concerning the dearth.

(Jer 14:2) Judah mourneth, and the gates thereof languish; they are black unto the ground; and the cry of Jerusalem is gone up.

(Jer 14:3) And their nobles have sent their little ones to the waters: they came to the pits, and found no water; they returned with their vessels empty; they were ashamed and confounded, and covered their heads.

(Jer 14:4) Because the ground is chapt, for there was no rain in the earth, the plowmen were ashamed, they covered their heads.

(Jer 14:5) Yea, the hind also calved in the field, and forsook it, because there was no grass.

(Jer 14:6) And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.

(Jer 14:7) O LORD, though our iniquities testify against us, do thou it for thy name's sake: for our backslidings are many; we have sinned against thee.

(Jer 14:8) O the hope of Israel, the saviour thereof in time of trouble, why shouldest thou be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turneth aside to tarry for a night?

(Jer 14:9) Why shouldest thou be as a man astonied, as a mighty man that cannot save? yet thou, O LORD, art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not.

(Jer 14:10) Thus saith the LORD unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore the LORD doth not accept them; he will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.

(Jer 14:11) Then said the LORD unto me, Pray not for this people for their good.

(Jer 14:12) When they fast, I will not hear their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and an oblation, I will not accept them: but I will consume them by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence.

(Jer 14:13) Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, the prophets say unto them, Ye shall not see the sword, neither shall ye have famine; but I will give you assured peace in this place.

(Jer 14:14) Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.

(Jer 14:15) Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that prophesy in my name, and I sent them not, yet they say, Sword and famine shall not be in this land; By sword and famine shall those prophets be consumed.

(Jer 14:16) And the people to whom they prophesy shall be cast out in the streets of Jerusalem because of the famine and the sword; and they shall have none to bury them, them, their wives, nor their sons, nor their daughters: for I will pour their wickedness upon them.

(Jer 14:17) Therefore thou shalt say this word unto them; Let mine eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease: for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous blow.

(Jer 14:18) If I go forth into the field, then behold the slain with the sword! and if I enter into the city, then behold them that are sick with famine! yea, both the prophet and the priest go about into a land that they know not.

(Jer 14:19) Hast thou utterly rejected Judah? hath thy soul lothed Zion? why hast thou smitten us, and there is no healing for us? we looked for peace, and there is no good; and for the time of healing, and behold trouble!

(Jer 14:20) We acknowledge, O LORD, our wickedness, and the iniquity of our fathers: for we have sinned against thee.

(Jer 14:21) Do not abhor us, for thy name's sake, do not disgrace the throne of thy glory: remember, break not thy covenant with us.

(Jer 14:22) Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can cause rain? or can the heavens give showers? art not thou he, O LORD our God? therefore we will wait upon thee: for thou hast made all these things.

Thsi is the commentary of Matthew Henry on this chapter:

Jer 14:1-9
The first verse is the title of the whole chapter: it does indeed all concern the dearth, but much of it consists of the prophet's prayers concerning it; yet these are not unfitly said to be, The word of the Lord which came to him concerning it, for every acceptable prayer is that which God puts into our hearts; nothing is our word that comes to him but what is first his word that comes from him. In these verses we have,
I. The language of nature lamenting the calamity. When the heavens were as brass, and distilled no dews, the earth was as iron, and produced no fruits; and then the grief and confusion were universal. 1. The people of the land were all in tears. Destroy their vines and their fig-trees and you cause all their mirth to cease, Hos_2:11, Hos_2:12. All their joy fails with the joy of harvest, with that of their corn and wine. Judah mourns (Jer_14:2), not for the sin, but for the trouble - for the withholding of the rain, not for the withdrawing of God's favour. The gates thereof, all that go in and out at their gates, languish, look pale, and grow feeble, for want of the necessary supports of life and for fear of the further fatal consequences of this judgment. The gates, through which supplies of corn formerly used to be brought into their cities, now look melancholy, when, instead of that, the inhabitants are departing through them to seek for bread in other countries. Even those that sit in the gates languish; they are black unto the ground, they go in black as mourners and sit on the ground, a the poor beggars at the gates are black in the face for want of food, blacker than a coal, Lam_4:8. Famine is represented by a black horse, Rev_6:5. They fall to the ground through weakness, not being able to go along the streets. The cry of Jerusalem has gone up; that is, of the citizens (for the city is served by the field), or of people from all parts of the country met at Jerusalem to pray for rain; so some. But I fear it was rather the cry of their trouble, and the cry of their prayer. 2. The great men of the land felt from this judgment (Jer_14:3): The nobles sent their little ones to the water, perhaps their own children, having been forced to part with their servants because they had not wherewithal to keep them, and being willing to train up their children, when they were little, to labour, especially in a case of necessity, as this was. We find Ahab and Obadiah, the king and the lord chamberlain of his household, in their own persons, seeking for water in such a time of distress as this was, 1Ki_18:5, 1Ki_18:6. Or, rather, their meaner ones, their servants and inferior officers; these they sent to seek for water, which there is no living without; but there was none to be found: They returned with their vessels empty; the springs were dried up when there was no rain to feed them; and then they (their masters that sent them) were ashamed and confounded at the disappointment. They would not be ashamed of their sins, nor confounded at the sense of them, but were unhumbled under the reproofs of the word, thinking their wealth and dignity set them above repentance; but God took a course to make them ashamed of that which they were so proud of, when they found that even on this side hell their nobility would not purchase them a drop of water to cool their tongue. Let our reading the account of this calamity make us thankful for the mercy of water, that we may not by the feeling of the calamity be taught to value it. What is most needful is most plentiful. 3. The husbandmen felt most sensibly and immediately from it (Jer_14:4): The ploughmen were ashamed, for the ground was so parched and hard that it would not admit the plough even when it was so chapt and cleft that it seemed as if it did not need the plough. They were ashamed to be idle, for there was nothing to be done, and therefore nothing to be expected. The sluggard, that will not plough by reason of cold, is not ashamed of his own folly; but the diligent husbandman, that cannot plough by reason of heat, is ashamed of his own affliction. See what an immediate dependence husbandmen have upon the divine Providence, which therefore they should always have an eye to, for they cannot plough nor sow in hope unless God water their furrows, Psa_65:10. 4. The case even of the wild beasts was very pitiable, Jer_14:5, Jer_14:6. Man's sin brings those judgments upon the earth which make even the inferior creatures groan: and the prophet takes notice of this as a plea with God for mercy. Judah and Jerusalem have sinned, but the hinds and the wild asses, what have they done? The hinds are pleasant creatures, lovely and loving, and particularly tender of their young; and yet such is the extremity of the case that, contrary to the instinct of their nature, they leave their young, even when they are newly calved and most need them, to seek for grass elsewhere; and, if they can find none, they abandon them, because not able to suckle them. It grieved not the hind so much that she had no grass herself as that she had none for her young, which will shame those who spend that upon their lusts which they should preserve for their families. The hind, when she has brought forth her young, is said to have cast forth her sorrows (Job_39:3), and yet she continues her cares; but, as it follows there, she soon sees the good effect of them, for her young ones in a little while grow up, and trouble her no more, Jer_14:4. But here the great trouble of all is that she has nothing for them. Nay, one would be sorry even for the wild asses (though they are creatures that none have any great affection for); for, though the barren land is made their dwelling at the best (Job_39:5, Job_39:6), yet even that is now made too hot for them, so hot that they cannot breathe in it, but they get to the highest places they can reach, where the air is coolest, and snuff up the wind like dragons, like those creatures which, being very hot, are continually panting for breath. Their eyes fail, and so does their strength, because there is no grass to support them. The tame ass, that serves her owner, is welcome to his crib (Isa_1:3) and has her keeping for her labour, when the wild ass, that scorns the crying of the driver, is forced to live upon air, and is well enough served for not serving. He that will not labour, let him not eat.
II. Here is the language of grace, lamenting the iniquity, and complaining to God of the calamity. The people are not forward to pray, but the prophet here prays for them, and so excites them to pray for themselves, and puts words into their mouths, which they may make use of, in hopes to speed, Jer_14:7-9. In this prayer, 1. Sin is humbly confessed. When we come to pray for the preventing or removing of any judgment we must always acknowledge that our iniquities testify against us. Our sins are witnesses against us, and true penitents see them to be such. They testify, for they are plain and evident; we cannot deny the charge. They testify against us, for our conviction, which tends to our present shame and confusion, and our future condemnation. They disprove and overthrow all our pleas for ourselves; and so not only accuse us, but answer against us. If we boast of our own excellencies, and trust to our own righteousness, our iniquities testify against us, and prove us perverse. If we quarrel with God as dealing unjustly or unkindly with us in afflicting us, our iniquities testify against us that we do him wrong; “for our backslidings are many and our revolts are great, whereby we have sinned against thee - too numerous to be concealed, for they are many, too heinous to be excused, for they are against thee.” 2. Mercy is earnestly begged: “Though our iniquities testify against us, and against the granting of the favour which the necessity of our case calls for, yet do thou it.” They do not say particularly what they would have done; but, as becomes penitents and beggars, they refer the matter to God: “Do with us as thou thinkest fit,” Jdg_10:15. Not, Do thou it in this way or at this time, but “Do thou it for thy name's sake; do that which will be most for the glory of thy name.” Note, Our best pleas in prayer are those that are fetched from the glory of God's own name. “Lord, do it, that they mercy may be magnified, thy promise fulfilled, and thy interest in the world kept up; we have nothing to plead in ourselves, but every thing in thee.” There is another petition in this prayer, and it is a very modest one (Jer_14:9): “Leave us not, withdraw not thy favour and presence.” Note, We should dread and deprecate God's departure from us more than the removal of any or all our creature-comforts. 3. Their relation to God, their interest in him, and their expectations from him grounded thereupon, are most pathetically pleaded with him, Jer_14:8, Jer_14:9. (1.) They look upon him as one they have reason to think should deliver them when they are in distress, yea, though their iniquities testify against them; for in him mercy has often rejoiced against judgment. The prophet, like Moses of old, is willing to make the best he can of the case of his people, and therefore, though he must own that they have sinned many a great sin (Exo_32:31), yet he pleads, Thou art the hope of Israel. God has encouraged his people to hope in him; in calling himself so often the God of Israel, the rock of Israel, and the Holy One of Israel, he has made himself the hope of Israel. He has given Israel his word to hope in, and caused them to hope in it; and there are those yet in Israel that make God alone their hope, and expect he will be their Saviour in time of trouble, and they look not for salvation in any other; “Thou hast many a time been such, in the time of their extremity.” Note, Since God is his people's all-sufficient Saviour, they ought to hope in him in their greatest straits; and, since he is their only Saviour, they ought to hope in him alone. They plead likewise, “Thou art in the midst of us; we have the special tokens of thy presence with us, thy temple, thy ark, thy oracles, and we are called by the name, the Israel of God; and therefore we have reason to hope thou wilt not leave us; we are thine, save us. Thy name is called upon us, and therefore what evils we are under reflect dishonour upon thee, as if thou wert not able to relieve thy own.” The prophet had often told the people that their profession of religion would not protect them from the judgments of God; yet here he pleads it with God, as Moses, Exo_32:11. Even this may go far as to temporal punishments with a God of mercy. Valeat quantum valere potest - Let the plea avail as far as is proper. (2.) It therefore grieves them to think that he does not appear for their deliverance; and, though they do not charge it upon him as unrighteous, they humbly plead it with him why he should be gracious, for the glory of his own name. For otherwise he will seem, [1.] Unconcerned for his own people: What will the Egyptians say? they will say, “Israel's hope and Saviour does not mind them; he has become as a stranger in the land, that does not at all interest himself in its interests; his temple, which he called his rest for ever, is no more so, but he is in it as a wayfaring man, that turns aside to tarry but for a night in an inn, which he never enquires into the affairs of, nor is in any care about.” Though God never is, yet he sometimes seems to be, as if he cared not what became of his church: Christ slept when his disciples were in storm. [2.] Incapable of giving them any relief. The enemies once said, Because the Lord was not able to bring his people to Canaan, he let them perish in the wilderness (Num_14:16); so now they will say, “Either his wisdom or his power fails him; either he is as a man astonished (who, though he has the reason of a man, yet, being astonished, is quite at a loss and at his wits' end) or as a mighty man who is overpowered by such as are more mighty, and therefore cannot save; though mighty, yet a man, and therefore having his power limited.” Either of these would be a most insufferable reproach to the divine perfections; and therefore, why has the God that we are sure is in the midst of us become as a stranger? Why does the almighty God seem as if he were no more than a mighty man, who, when he is astonished, though he would, yet cannot save? It becomes us in prayer to show ourselves concerned more for God's glory than for our own comfort. Lord, what wilt thou do unto thy great name?

Click on the title of this blog to visit E-Sword, where you can download for free, the E-sword Bible study program, and a lot of free public domain Christian texts, as well as, for a small fee, contemporary and copyrighted commentaries and others.

I receive no financial gain from E-sword.
I believe these scriptures are applicable to the present time, and while Salvation is by faith through Faith, and taht a gift of the Lord; Paul the apostle also told us that all scripture is profitable.

We live in such a time when this land has forgotten who our first love was, and even those who are the Lord's may suffer trials and tribulations as we risk all we have by stubbornly refusing to call upon the Lord.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Matthew Henry comments on the text of Jeremiah the Prophet of God as he speaks of suffering.

Here are two excerpts from the commentary that I believe are important lessons for us all.

First Jeremiah speaks of Godly suffering, then he speaks of brutish men, particularly brutish preachers.

I have included the definition of brutish from Noah Webster's Dictionary, which gave Biblical meanings of words as well as those contemporary to the time.

Click on the title of this post and it will take you to a website where Matthew Henry's commentary is available for on line reading for free. Also, you may go to this link,

e-Sword - the Sword of the LORD with an electronic edge ,

and down load the best free Bible study program on the web, and if the Matthew Henry commentary is no longer listed, click on the down load from LightbyDesign link, where you can purchase a CD to install into the E-sword, which contains over 100 Christian commentaries and other classic Christian literature.

But I said, when I was about to complain of my wound, To what purpose is it to complain? This is a grief, and I must bear it as well as I can. This is the language rather of a sullen than of a gracious submission, of a patience per force, not a patience by principle. When I am in affliction I should say, “This is an evil, and I will bear it, because it is the will of God that I should, because his wisdom has appointed this for me and his grace will make it work for good to me.” This is receiving evil at the hand of God, Job_2:10. But to say, “This is an evil, and I must bear it, because I cannot help it,” is but a brutal patience, and argues a want of those good thoughts of God which we should always have, even under our afflictions, saying, not only, God can and will do what he pleases, but, Let him do what he pleases.

Every man is either a saint or a brute. But it is sad indeed with a people when their pastors, that should feed them with knowledge and understanding, are themselves thus brutish. And what comes of it? Therefore they shall not prosper; none of their attempts for the public safety shall succeed. Note, Those cannot expect to prosper who do not by faith and prayer take God along with them in all their ways. And, when the pastors are brutish, what else can be expected but that all their flocks should be scattered? For, if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch. The ruin of a people is often owing to the brutishness of their pastors.


BRU'TISH, a. Like a brute or beast; as a brutish form.

1. Insensible; stupid; as brutish men.

2. Unfeeling; savage; ferocious; brutal.

3. Gross; carnal; bestial.

4. Ignorant; uncivilized; untaught.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

HR 1207 - Sign the petition

HR 1207 is a bill in the House of Representatives in Washington seeking to change the way the Federal Reserve System is audited to establish total transparency.

There are now over 143 ci-sponsors for this bill. Call, write, or e-mail your Representative to ask them to support this bill, or if they have already signed on, thank them for it.

We need to force these bankers who run the FED to complete disclosure of their activities. They are one of the driving forces behind our economic problems.

The Senate equivalent is S 604, and currently has no co-sponsors. Please contact your Senators and tell them that you want them to support this bill.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Swine Flu Hysteria

Have you noticed how frenzied the media reports were over the "swine flu"? The regular strains of flu that come around every year kill more than 30,000 people in the United States alone.

So far, this is much ado about nothing. I am not disregarding the deaths that have occurred, and the tragic loss the families of those victims feel.

I was stationed in Germany in the US Army during the last "swine flu" hysteria. That would be the one that lead to the giving of a quickly made and inadequately tested vaccine to millions of people, with the end result being that more people died of the vaccine than of the flu, and hundreds of people were left with permanent paralysis, Guillane-Barre Syndrome, blindness, and other debilitating legacies of the vaccine.

Those of us on duty in the military had no option concerning the taking of the vaccine; it was take it or face a possible Courts Martial.

The end result of that wise decision by the powers that be was that, in addition to many military personnel suffering the same permanent damage that I listed spoke of in the paragraph above, but the readiness state of our military forces was crippled due to the fact that in United States Army Europe, so many personnel were too sick to perform their jobs, I doubt we could have resited an invasion by Russia across the East German and other Communist borders.

Temperatures in excess of 104 degrees Fahrenheit were common. So many were ill there was not enough room in the hospitals for all the seriously ill, and so barracks became the medical confinement areas for the sick.

All due to the vaccine. We had no reports of actual swine flu cases in the military population.

Think about it.

The Title of this post will take you to an article about the Bird Flu Hoax when you click on it. Undoubtedly, there will be many stories on the "Great Swine Flu Hoax of 2009".