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Friday, September 26, 2008


I have not abandoned this work, but am persistently pursuing the rebuilding of my PC.

Because of the limited and fixed income I have, this will take some time. All of my study notes are on my hard drive, but I am not on my own computer.

Meanwhile, those of you who are faithful to Christ, be persistant in seeking Him in His Word, and in your prayer time, as well as in doing good for others.

We are told that true religion is this: " To feed the widows and orphans"; as well as the words of Christ "In so much as ye do for the least of these, ye do unto me also".

True works are not of human origin, but are from the heart indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Never the less, if you do not feel the guiding of the Spirit yet, do well as the words of Christ and His Apostles have shown and instructed us.

Visit the sick, the widows, the orphans, those who are in prison, and our fellow Christians when they need encouragement.

If we wait to hear the Holy Spirit, and do not those things that He has already instructed us in through His Word, we may miss out on developing an ear for His Spirit, and fail to bless those who need a blessing in their lives.