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Wednesday, February 20, 2008


As you can see by the new title of my blog, I have decided to orient it more towards discussing Judeo-Christian values and belief.

The wrath of God is real. Those who ignore His Word and the witness of the Holy Spirit regarding the Savior Jesus Christ will believe on Judgment Day, but there will be no mercy for them.

In the current Presidential campaigns, many see Barak Obama as the Messiah we need for this nation. Make no mistake, he is not a messiah. He is an eloquent speaker, and there is not necessarily anything wrong with that. However, none of the candidates of any party will save this nation from the judgment that God will pour out on it, as well as the rest of the world.

I disavow the Rev. Fred Phelps and his little band of family members who call themselves a church, and make a mockery of Christ in the way they demonstrate at the funerals of our troops, saying it makes them glad to see the suffering of the families, because, according to the Phelps clan, it is just punishment for this nation for tolerating homosexuality.

Homosexual behavior is a sin, as are adultery, child molesting, stealing, and the rest of the name sins, or sins that are covered under the heading of, let's say, fornication. Child molesting isn't specifically named, but it falls under fornication, as well as causing injury to another person.

We need to seriously consider the direction this nation is headed in morally. Sexually transmitted diseases are on the increase among teens, teen pregnancy, after a decade of decline is up sharply, and many of our young people are looking for respect by shooting each other.

I am an absolutist on the Second Amendment. Law abiding citizens are not to be frustrated by government regulations that seek to take the means of self defense from the hands of the citizenry, and place them only in the hands of law enforcement agencies and our military. This is utter foolishness. Criminals will find ways to obtain guns no matter what laws we pass. They already do this. The vast majority of our Federally Licensed Firearms Dealers are operating legally. It is people who buy smuggled and stolen guns and sell them to criminals that are the biggest problem.

On the Presidential Elections:

No matter who wins, we as the voters are responsible to hold them accountable. Whether Obama, McCain, or Clinton; if they don't perform satisfactorily, throw them out in the next cycle.
If Barak wins, I pray that he turns out to be a good President for this nation, but I have doubts.
He has the second most liberal voting record in the Senate. Hillary wants to give us Universal Healthcare; if people don't want insurance, they shouldn't be force to buy it. McCain has his problems, too, but I think is the best candidate of the three to get us through the war in Iraq.

I am a conservative, and I am compassionate. However, we have too many Federal programs sucking the tax payers dry, that are not performing as promised. Head Start is one of those programs. A simple cost/benefit analysis shows that it is a wasteful program that produces little in the way of real results.

Whatever your political affiliation is, learn about the issues that you feel are most important. Research your favorite candidates record on those issues. If you still feel they are qualified, get out and vote. If you decide they aren't, decide who is the best qualified candidate and vote.
Don't skip voting and then complain about who we get.

Become active in your parties district or community level meetings. It is up to We The People to bring the change that everyone wants, but no one agrees exactly on just what needs to be changed. Want to change Washington as Barak Obama suggests, then vote out the scoundrels. I believe that two-thirds of the House and most of the Senate needs to retire, and get fresh blood in those seats. People who know when to work together for our good, and when to take a strong stand against something that is not good for the nation as a whole.